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fortnite assault rifle

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Just when we saw a lack of thermal and suppressed assault rifles in Fortnite, patch 9.01 brought a new tactical rifle to the table. This new weapon looks like a version of the Scoped Assault rifle, and time will tell how it compares to other weapons. Our Fortnite Assault Gun guide takes you through each of the weapons available in the game, with up-to-date tips, practices, stats and strategies for each.

Fortnite Assault Rifle

Fortnite Assault Rifle

We've spent a lot of time writing about every aspect of Fortnite, and you can find it all in our central Fortnite guide. We've got beginner-friendly and advanced tips and tricks, from Fortnite tools to Fortnite builds and mods to completing a variety of Fortnite's 6 weekly challenges. Look!

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Assault rifles come in all shapes, sizes, and imperfections, but they all share a few common characteristics. They can break (there is no traveling bullet), they have first shot accuracy, and they are unbeatable at mid range.

Assault rifles can also be very effective at long or short range, but they certainly aren't as good at that range as sniper rifles or sniper rifles. Regardless, they are the only weapon that can be used effectively anywhere, and as a result, they should find a place in your spotlight early in the game. If you thought you could win a game of Fortnite with just SMGs and sniper rifles, you'd be wrong (or, usually, the best player in the lobby).

For more information on ideal loadouts and powerful weapon combinations, check out our Fortnite loadout page.

Assault rifles are often compared to SMGs, and it's easy to see why, as both types of weapons have large calibers and high rates of fire. But SMGs sacrifice accuracy to be the fastest and most spreadable weapons in Fortnite, while assault rifles, scopes, and

Fortnite Assault Rifle By Sci3d

If you want to shoot an enemy (or building) up close, an SMG is usually better than an assault rifle. That SMG won't work if you're 100 meters away, while the AR will still happily sap your opponent's health from a distance.

Of course, it doesn't have to be an either-or situation. Both types of weapons occupy completely different positions in Fortnite's arsenal, so it's worth taking both and learning to switch quickly depending on your situation.

The Scoped Assault Rifle is more like a semi-automatic sniper rifle than a standard AR, fires slower than its counterparts, is less versatile, but better for long-range encounters.

Fortnite Assault Rifle

We'll go into more detail about this subcategory of assault rifles below, but it's important to note that Scoped ARs are a very different animal than regular ARs, and there's not much point in comparing them.

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Although it's a slap in the bad boy face, it's more like an SMG than a standard AR. It has a great rate of fire and can deal decent damage to players and buildings, but has a great drop rate at long range.

As with the Scoped Assault rifle, we'll go into more detail about this below, but just so you know, it's not like a regular AR, and you shouldn't use this as a yardstick when aiming a target. Two.

Now let's take a look at the different assault rifles currently available in Fortnite and how they stack up against each other, as well as their pros and cons. When we talked about the stats of the different weapons, we didn't cover them here, but for detailed stats of every weapon in Fortnite, head over to our Fortnite Weapons Guide.

An infantry rifle is an interesting cross between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle - but not like the Scoped AR you'll see below. This rifle packs a punch and does more damage per shot than a heavy assault rifle. With its exceptional recoil and quick return to first shot accuracy, this makes it a powerful long-range semi-automatic weapon that beats the Scoped Assault weapon at its own game many times over. Its only drawback is its magically small size compared to its fire rate.

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The V8.20 patch notes brought some changes to the infantry rifle, which you can read all about in our Fortnite patch notes guide. Previously, its main benefit was reducing damage to zero. This is no longer the case, and the rifle is just like any other assault rifle. But instead, the weapon is now hitcan, meaning you don't need to adjust the bullet's travel time. A huge bonus for this weapon - Epic knows this, and their next nerf shows that the weapon's damage from 45/42 to 42/40 per stock prevents it from being overpowered.

It's a very powerful weapon in the right hand, but you shouldn't replace it with a SCAR. If you want to shoot faster instead of action shots, you should use it as your long-range option. With good aim and a solid game sense for when to use it, the infantry rifle is a superior weapon.

Standard assault rifles stat in the middle of the board. They also account for every level of reduction, meaning there's a lot of difference between a relatively weak gray AR and an incredibly powerful gold SCAR, especially when it comes to the amount of ammo each weapon fires. But overall, these ARs shoot quickly, are effective at any range, and excel at hitting players and structures at mid range.

Fortnite Assault Rifle

Although not as memorable a leader as before, the Epic or Legendary SCAR is still a strong contender and worth waiting until the end of the race. It can deal quick and painful damage, especially if you headbutt your target, which is unlikely given the accuracy of the SCAR's first shot and the SCAR's low recoil. It can also be used to pressure enemies and destroy structures beyond what an SMG can achieve.

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Due to its rarity, the Drum Rifle can be a monster. Appearing only in rare and extremely rare cases, the accuracy of the drum gun has a rapid rate of fire and impact. The one who uses this weapon is so great, but in most cases it is also great as a hip, head-gun.

It's pretty rare with its relatively long refresh time, but if you manage to pull off a rare one, you'll be smiling as you greet your enemies. Combine this with a long-range weapon solution, such as your sniper rifle of choice, and you're pretty much game-ready.

Oof. This weapon is sent to hell. Available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary colors, this weapon deals more damage per shot than other shots, resulting in a slightly worse balance of its other stats. Lower burn rate, smaller curve, longer regeneration time, and greater recovery and bloom. But seriously, you get almost 50% more damage per shot on the SCAR. It's just a strong hatred.

It's important to remember that heavy ARs have a lower rate of fire and are less effective at suppressing the enemy, which means, like the FAMAS, if you're using a heavy AR, you should consider an SMG of your own. take with Or conversely, if you don't have an SMG, you might choose a SCAR over a heavy rifle just for suppression and maintenance.

V4.4 Patch Notes

The Scoped Assault Rifle packs a lot of useful features – rapid rate of fire, hitcan, range – but unfortunately it's not a weapon that sees much play in most Fortnite matches. Compared to the Gray Assault Rifle, its low damage is pretty weak, and you're better off using a real sniper rifle or even a Scoped Revolver.

Regardless, Scoped AR can be used to good effect, and the main thing is to never overdo it. The only way to deal with the low damage of the Scoped AR is to shoot your enemy several times in quick succession before you know what's going to happen. It's really easy if they don't build it, because like I said, the Scoped AR is nice and accurate at long distances. If they start building, the Scoped AR's time is over, and it's best to switch to another weapon and continue the fight.

Because of its narrow spread, it is a closer weapon

Fortnite Assault Rifle

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