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pa title 18 simple assault

Pa Title 18 Simple Assault - It strengthens our ability to protect children from abuse and neglect by redefining child abuse and abusers. Facilitates and clarifies mandatory child abuse reporting procedures; strengthens penalties for failing to report suspected child abuse and protects those who report child abuse; October 11, 2018

Promotes the use of multidisciplinary investigation teams (MDITs) to investigate child abuse crimes; and supports the use of information technology to improve the reporting and monitoring of child abuse. October 11, 2018

Pa Title 18 Simple Assault

Pa Title 18 Simple Assault

Bill Note Effective Date HB 321 Minor/Sexual Abuse Jan 1, 2014 HB 414 Protection Issues Jan 1, 2014 108 HB 726 Definition CA/N Dec 31, 2014 Child Feb 16, 2014 11/10/2018

Medal Of Honor™: Pacific Assault On

117 SB 23 Expands offenses 12/31/2014 118 SB 28 Improvement of criminal penalties January 1 and new offenses 119 SB 30 Expedited appeals 12/31 2014 Change of effective date from 1 July 2014 to 1 December 26 343 1) and (g) to the Act 45 of 2014 (HB 434) SB 34 Teacher Discipline Act Feb 16, 2014 123 SB 1116 MDT Review/investigation March 1, 2014 11/10/2018

4 SB 29 Mandatory Infant Registration April 22, 2014 27 HB 89 CAC Funding - Dre Funds June 6, 2014 28 HB 316 CAC Funding July 1, 2014 29 SB 24 29 SB 24 Statewide Education Database Dec. 34.3.1. and training - DOS licensees 31/12/2014 32 HB 436 Attorneys as MR and 31/12/2014 No notification 2018-11-10

33 SB 21 Authorized Reporters Dec 31, 2014 34 SB 33 Whistleblower Protection Dec 31, 2014 44 SB 31 Reporting Child Abuse by School Staff Dec 31, 2014 45 HB 434 Background Check 2 Dec 2, 2006 Sports Authority, Aug 17, Volunteer or Employee of a Non-Profit Association HB 435 Background Check Dec 31, 2014 Volunteers Jul 1, 2015 176 SB 27 Information Sharing Dec 31, 2014 Chartered Physicians 11/10/2011

Ensure timely and consistent implementation of these reforms in Pennsylvania to identify, investigate/assess and respond to suspected child abuse and comprehensive protection services. A fresh approach to explaining roles and a willingness to think clearly and constructively. Discussion should focus on general policy and implementation guidelines, not on the experience of a specific government or private agency. Active and regular participation in discussions is expected. October 11, 2018

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9 Discussion points Child and perpetrator abuse and exclusions References and reports based on them Appeals and reports Child protection Other key areas identified (i.e. criminal law) 11/10/2018

10 Four Key Questions How will this change improve what we do for children and families? What is currently available to support this change? What changes do you expect your agency/organisation/system to successfully implement the law? practice politics; Partnerships; and staff capacity. Do you have any other suggestions or questions you'd like the implementation team to consider? October 11, 2018

Who needs to know what? Why do they need to know him? What is the best format for providing information? ? Phone calls? Meetings? Newspaper? other? Who is responsible for the relationship? When will the relationship take place? October 11, 2018

Pa Title 18 Simple Assault

The definition of child abuse has been changed to include intentionally, knowingly or recklessly forcing actions or omissions. A person acts consciously when he knows that his behavior is natural or that such conditions exist and that his behavior will result in such consequences. A person acts recklessly when he or she is aware of the existence of a significant or significant and unreasonable risk to his/her conduct. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that, taking into account the nature and purpose of the act and the circumstances and circumstances, the negligence involves a significant deviation from the standard of conduct that a reasonable person would behave in the circumstances. When a person consciously performs an act of this kind or produces such an effect and knows, believes or hopes that such conditions exist. October 11, 2018

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Severe Physical Negligence has been extended to Abnormal Behavior, which includes situations where the behavior may occur only once. Previously, there must have been longer or more frequent behavior. The definition of sexual abuse has not changed except that consensual acts between a child aged 14 or over and another person aged 14 or over and under the age of four include sexual intercourse. Misdemeanor unless any of the following has been committed: Rape; Statutory sexual assault; Involuntary sexual intercourse; sexual assault; institutionalized sexual abuse; aggravated indecent attack; unjustified attack; Improper exposure; sexual relations; Prostitution; sexual abuse; Illegal contact with a minor; or sexual abuse. October 11, 2018

Child Abuse changed to: Downgrading from serious physical injury to bodily injury that requires physical impairment or significant pain rather than serious illness or permanent disability. Include behaviors that lead children to harmful judgments or medical treatments, such as generating medical symptoms or illnesses (Munchausen syndrome by proxy/feign disorder). Reduce the level of serious psychological trauma to include causing or significantly contributing to the injury by any act or omission or series of such acts or omissions. October 11, 2018

Explains the previous category of danger, which does not include: kicking, biting, throwing, burning, stabbing or cutting a child in a way that endangers the child; Unreasonably restraining or restraining a child based on method, location or duration; violently shaking, hitting or otherwise striking a child under one year of age; Disturbances in the breathing of the child; placing a child in a methamphetamine lab pending a law enforcement investigation; Knowingly leaving a child unsupervised with someone other than the child's parent must be recorded as a sex offender, sex offender or sex offender. This includes people who a parent should know fall into one of the categories listed above. Death of a child due to inaction regardless of action or time. October 11, 2018

Allows you to report suspected child abuse: regardless of the number of perpetrators; or in cases where the perpetrator is unknown, unless there is sufficient evidence of abuse but the specific perpetrator cannot be identified. October 11, 2018

Pennsylvania Code Title 18

It clarifies the jurisdictional basis for reporting suspected child abuse and adds additional grounds on which a report may be based, including the same factual circumstances as for child abuse charges: including admission to an accelerated rehabilitation facility. the program or Child concerned is one of the persons protected by the PFA and: Only one person has been accused of abuse in a PFA proceeding and a Final Protection Order (PFA) has been issued. Only this person defends the accusation; The judgment contained the same circumstantial evidence and the PFA judgment that child abuse had occurred. October 11, 2018

Clarifies the jurisdiction in which a report of suspected child abuse is based and adds additional grounds on which a report may be based, including the same facts as for allegations of child abuse: The legal process for a minor consent decision includes: recognition; introducing Or understand this: the child in question was attacked by the alleged perpetrator. October 11, 2018

Clarification that this exclusion does not apply to any person or entity described in the Childcare Service other than the custodial parent, exclusion due to environmental conditions. Earlier statutory language included a person responsible for the welfare of the child, which could be interpreted as referring to foster parents or welfare workers. Including guardians in the third stage of marriage and excluding the religious beliefs of the parents with whom the child lives. This exclusion does not apply if failure to provide necessary medical or surgical care resulted in the death of the child. This exclusion states that it does not apply to childcare services, with the exception of foster parents who meet the criteria listed above. October 11, 2018

Pa Title 18 Simple Assault

The exclusion of the use of force for monitoring, control and safety purposes applies to parents or anyone responsible for the welfare of the child (including childcare workers). This exemption only applies to the extent that the use of force is reasonable and necessary to maintain order and control incidental or minor contact with the child. The use of force is necessary: ​​to end violence; To remove a child from violence that causes physical injury to a person or damage to property; To protect the child

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